Follow-up to December 6th North Kawartha Council Meeting


Two weeks ago we wrote to you asking for your help, and you came through in spades!

Close to 100 of you wrote to the North Kawartha Council supporting FFW’s two requests:

That FFW be recognized as a delegation at their December 6th Council meeting;

and that Council pass a motion to clarify their position regarding the development of the Fraser property.

Why did FFW makes these requests? Because, despite Council’s Resolution (15-397) to instruct the Township solicitor to oppose the development at the OMB, the Township solicitor took a very different position, one of proceed-with-caution.

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Despite the time of year, there was a strong turn out of FFW supporters, several of whom had come some distance to attend.

Council rejected or ignored FFW’s request for time on the agenda, choosing instead to hold an in camera session to discuss FFW’s requests and the deluge of supporting letters.

After an hour behind closed doors, Council returned to the chamber to report that as their lawyer was not able to attend the meeting, the issues raised by FFW would be discussed at the next Council meeting on Tuesday, December 20th – in yet another in camera session.

UPDATE: The Agenda for the December 20th Council Meeting was published on Friday afternoon. The FFW/Fraser OMB issue will be discussed during the afternoon session @ 2:30 p.m. The afternoon session commences at 1 p.m. 

FFW will be there. We know that it’s a challenging time of year, but if you’re able, we hope that you’ll join us again.

Time is of the essence! The Council North Kawartha Township needs to clarify its position regarding the Fraser Wetlands now.

The OMB decision could arrive at any time. We think the OMB NEEDS to know Council’s true position before rendering a decision that will have an enormous impact on so many people and for generations to come.

If you’ve written a letter in support of this request, thank you! If you haven’t, please consider sending a letter today. Directly below is a template, and if you scroll down, you’ll see letters that others have written.

To North Kawartha Council,

I’m unable too attend the Council Meeting on December 20th, but I want Council to know that I strongly support the FFW’s request that Council inform the OMB by whatever route is appropriate, by Friday, December 23rd at the latest, that Council’s position has not changed since May 26, 2015 when Council passed Resolution 15-397 expressing Council’s opposition to the proposed development on the Fraser Property.



If you live or summer in North Kawartha Township, consider this: it is your tax dollars that paid for the Township solicitor and an expert witness to attend the OMB hearing full time for four weeks. Did you get value for your money?

All letters addressed to the Council can be sent via the Township clerk: Connie Parent,


Do you feel as we do that the OMB tilts toward developers and that it needs to oversee a more accountable, approachable, affordable process for citizens and citizen groups such as FFW?

The province has been conducting a much needed public review of the OMB. Tim Gray, executive director of Environmental Defence, summarizes the problems with the OMB and the need for change. Click here to read his thoughts and to sign a petition exhorting the province to fix the OMB.

Your support makes all the difference.

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